Happy Go Listy

“Happiness is in your nature; It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.” 

I mentioned in my last blog that for me happiness started with a pen and a piece of paper.. well its been a while since I’ve made my h a p p y list, so I thought while encouraging you all to make your yours,  I’d refresh mine. 

*sunshine, soft sheets, hugs, TRAVELing, grocery shopping with Sean, meaningful conversation, a good book, a cold Dos XX with the family, puppy licks, moonlight, baby giggles, listening to music, taking creative photos, concerts, hugs (did I already say that), giving gifts, fireworks. 

As you may have noticed, I’m a fan of lists. I think they are beneficial for so many reasons but mostly because they help hold me accountable, and the obvious – they’re a great reminder.  Alright, so how will creating a list of the things that make you happy change your mind-set and result in a happier, healthier you? 

There are 3 qualities that I believe make someone wildly successful 

  1. HARD work 
  2. No excuses 
  3. Accomplishing the “to do’s” 

Number 3 represents everything from making your kids lunch to turning in those data reports you’re probably a day late on. Number 3 is also what makes us feel like there are never enough hours in the day. The to-do’s begin to pile up and without a reminder they’d probably swallow you whole. The days get long and busy and its hard to keep track, so naturally – you jot them down on a sticky note, in your phone, or make a calendar reminder. If you are one that manages life without reminders, you’re what I call a unicorn alien. Imagine how many accomplishments you would have in a week without a single reminder – mine would be a hard Z E R O.
^^ Same can be said for all of the things that make you happy. It is easy to put the mental happiness list in the back of your mind and let it fall into the 12-foot black hole of priorities. Remember, you are your longest commitment and your biggest investment, so putting happy in front of the priority line is necessary. 

Create a list of things that make you happy, small or big doesn’t matter. Some may include other people or maybe something you have only done once, but what you’ll notice is every single day there is opportunity to create happiness for yourself.  Keep it somewhere you can see it at least once a day, and you’ll find yourself making more room for what makes your soul shine!

Write down your list, work hard, and hold yourself accountable. One day you’ll notice yourself smiling at that list for no apparent reason [a k a, success]. And on the hard days when happy seems out of reach, check your list – it’s full of self-help and free therapy. 

Keep it private, share it {happy list} in the comments or send it under the “Talk to Me” tab. Hearing what makes you happy, makes me happy 🙂

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